+1 314-469-8722

The PADI Drift Diver Course

Drift diving is effortless and relaxing because you simply glide with the current and feel the rush of flying underwater. But, with this type of diving come special procedures that you need to know so you can maximize your fun underwater.During your PADI Drift Diver certification course, you'll learn about drift dive planning, organization, techniques and potential hazards, as well as special equipment and procedures like buoyancy. But it's not all theory because you'll go on two open water dives where you can put your new knowledge into action.

This Specialty course certification also counts as one of five Specialty certifications required for Master Scuba Diver certification. Take the Master Scuba Diver Challenge!

• PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver certification (or qualifying certification from another organization)
• Minimum age is 12 years old

Course Materials:
• Drift Diver e-Learning (included in cost of class)

Note:Course fee does not include rental equipment.

Cost: $125 (course offered upon request and on certain Y-kiki sponsored dive vacations)

    Start Date Course Type Location Places Available   Price    
21 Nov 2030 Drift Diver 7 US$ 150.00

Knowledge Development 1
Sat 27 Jul 2024
09:19 AM
Dive 1
Sat 27 Jul 2024
09:19 AM
Dive 2
Sat 27 Jul 2024
09:19 AM

Unknown Class Dates - Contact us to schedule your class when you decide on a date

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